Promotional Magnets by

Promotional Magnets

Promotional refrigerator magnets are one of the best solutions for making sure that your business’ message is reiterated in your local area over several years. Eliminating the need to spam clients with flyers, promotional magnets give you years of advertising potential from the single mail campaign.

Promotional magnets are useful to customers because they allow customers to organize various household documents and photos on their refrigerator for easy access at a later date or time. In addition, they seem so much more valuable than regular flyers or business cards, which encourages customers to not only keep them, but to keep them for longer. Many people who receive a promotional refrigerator magnet report having kept them for at least 5 years.

5 years of promotional potential from the single refrigerator magnet seems like a no-brainer. But how do they work?

Promotional refrigerator magnets sit on the front of the refrigerator which is one of the most prominent places in a household. Everybody in the household is able to see the magnet every time they visit the kitchen (where refrigerators tend to be located). This is even more apparent when they visit the refrigerator to fix themselves up with a snack or beverage.

This constant exposure makes potential clients much more familiar with your business over time so that when they require your services, you are the very first person they call, before they even consider consulting google search or other online resources.

Because of this direct form of contact, promotional magnets are awesome if you are in an extremely competitive industry because they allow you to completely avoid the battle and bidding wars for adwords space all the while still getting a constant stream of enquiries, jobs and sales. They also prompt customers who have used your services before to use them again next time, again allowing you a remarketing program that is already setup and requires no tinkering, pay-per-click or pay-per-view.

Customers tend to be very receptive to the advertising on promotional refrigerator magnets for the pure reason that they are not overly-intrusive or annoying and that they are incredibly useful. Promotional refrigerator magnets show that you actually give a damn about your clients and value their custom. Flyers and business cards really lack this punch as clients are left wondering what to do with them once they have finished reading, often resorting to stashing them away in a drawer or simply tossing them in the trash.

By giving customers something they can actually use, you take a closer step to getting them to order or enquire with you instead of your competitors.

You should not wait any longer. Every day you delay, you are missing potential orders, enquiries, leads and sales that your clients want to put through you. Order your very own custom promotional refrigerator magnets today!

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